About 2COR9
Who operates 2COR9? 2COR9 is a project of Assembly Care Ministries Inc., a 501c3 (www.assemblycare.org). Assembly Care (ACM) was launched in 2007 to help connect Christian ministers in N. America with the people they serve. Since 2007 ACM has created practical web based tools for this network of churches, ranging from an online church directory, to telemedicine and disaster relief. 2COR9 is our latest idea.
What problem does 2COR9 solve? Sometimes the people doing the most good are invisible because they are busy working rather than marketing. Many Christian workers don't think advertising is what they should be doing anyhow. We agree. 2COR9 is a platform that helps draw the attention of people in our church network to the Christian workers/ministers quietly serving around the world. In a nutshell 2COR9 is designed to help individuals pay attention to Christian workers - AND - support them.
What specifically does 2COR9 do? 2COR9 allows Christian workers to post practical needs (i.e. the need for a vehicle, or LCD projector) to our platform. It shows up as a product on our e-commerce site. 2COR9 then encourages hundreds of individuals in our church network to give small gifts (think in-app-purchases) to these needs. By encouraging 500 people to give $5 we can help cover a $2500 need of a Christian worker... with many small light-weight gifts. This allows younger people, who don't have large giving budgets (but still want to help) to do so.
How is 2COR9 funded? It is the goal of ACM that 100% of donations that come through 2COR9. Participants in 2COR9 will be asked to play a voluntary $5/mo fee to support the site, or voluntarily agree that 5% of gifts that come for them individually can go to ACM. The choice is up to users. The site is also supported by individual donations that operate Assembly Care as a 501c3.